Digital Assistant for Crop Protection

Understand how the weather affects your vines and make optimal decisions to prevent fungal diseases, protect your vines, and minimize plant protection.

VineForecast Smartphone


Protect Vines Through Optimal Timing

Protect Yields

Secure your harvest with optimal timing of the next spray using intelligent forecasts.

No weather stations

Save on weather station costs without compromising the quality of relevant data.

Plant protection

Reduce plant protection using VineForecast's dynamic recommendations.

Save Costs

Save costs through optimal organization with the Farm Management System.

Protect Yields

Secure your harvest with optimal timing of the next spray using intelligent forecasts.

Plant protection

Reduce plant protection using VineForecast's dynamic recommendations.

No weather stations

Save on weather station costs without compromising the quality of relevant data.

Save Costs

Save costs through optimal organization with the Farm Management System.

Preventive Plant Protection Does Not Require Physical Weather Stations

"Physical weather stations do not generate forecasts; they are simply measurement instruments. The belief that a weather station provides better predictions is a misconception – as ground-level measurements have only a minimal impact on the accuracy of modern weather models. Therefore, physical weather stations are not the right solution for preventive crop protection in viticulture."

Picture by Paul Petersik

Paul Petersik
Meteorologist and Co-Founder of VineForecast


Virtual Weather Stations

have been installed.



Could be saved in 2024.



Across all of Europe.


Who VineForecast is Designed For


VineForecast Winery

Over 900 wineries trust VineForecast Winery – the tailored software combines precise disease and weather forecasts with efficient farm management, specifically designed for individual wineries.

Cooperatives, Regions, Winemaker Groups

VineForecast Network

Build a forecasting network with VineForecast's Virtual Weather Stations for precise disease and weather predictions at any number of locations – ideal for cooperatives and wine-growing regions seeking deeper insights.

Efficient planning and protection for maximum yields

From disease and weather forecasts for optimized plant protection planning to digital task management – plan with confidence and protect your vines for healthy yields.

Using its AI-driven weather data, VineForecast accurately models disease pressure for Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew, providing tailored recommendations on how to respond to the specific conditions in your vineyard.

Access crucial weather data at your selected locations and make optimal plant protection decisions with VineForecast's precise, AI-driven weather models – all without the need for an on-site weather station!

Digitally organize your vineyard operations: Manage staff, assign tasks, track activities in real-time, and document completed work – all on one platform.


Testimonials from colleagues


VineForecast Winery


The entry-level package with the essential features for a smooth start. For smaller wineries that want to try out the system first.

399 €

per year


A package for advanced users, offering more features and additional support. For customers who want to take their operations and crop protection to the next level.

799 €

per year


The most comprehensive package, including all features and expert support. For operations that don't want to compromise and aim for maximum efficiency.

1.399 €

per year

VineForecast Network

Small network

3.750 € / 150 € per station

per year

Medium network

7.000 € / 140 € per station

per year

Large network

13.000 € / 130 € per station

per year


The entry-level package with the essential features for a smooth start. For smaller wineries that want to try out the system first.

399 €

per year


A package for advanced users, offering more features and additional support. For customers who want to take their operations and crop protection to the next level.

799 €

per year


The most comprehensive package, including all features and expert support. For operations that don't want to compromise and aim for maximum efficiency.

1.399 €

per year

Small network

3.750 € / 150 € per station

per year

Medium network

7.000 € / 140 € per station

per year

Large network

13.000 € / 130 € per station

per year


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