Field record system for viticulture

With VineForecast's field record system you save time and keep track of plant protection and fertilization. Record all vineyards digitally and document work properly.


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More than documentation

Being annoyed about documentation lies in the past. An easy documentation that generates new insides is the future! Document plant protection or fertilization in the VineForecast field record system and benefit from additional features. With VineForecast, you can calculate the plant protection mixture, keep an eye on your copper account or resistance management, and get information about the current effectiveness of crop protection.

Everything about plant protection in the field record for viticulture

Complete plant protection documentation

You can properly document your last sprays with VineForecast's field index in just a few clicks. Export the documentation at the end of the season as a PDF for your records. In addition, many crop protection products are already stored in the database and you do not have to enter individual data.

Calculate plant protection mixture

Calculate the desired plant protection mixture on your smartphone or PC with VineForecast's plant protection calculator in just a few seconds. Also, get as a result the required number of drives and mixture of the last tank.

Keeping an eye on the copper account

You know at any time how much copper you may still apply to which vineyard this season. In addition, you can use the copper quantity calculator to calculate the desired copper quantity from various plant protection products.

Automated resistance management

With VineForecast you know in seconds which active ingredients you can still use in which vineyard and thus prevent your vines from developing resistances.

Planning and documenting fertilization in the field index

Planning fertilizer requirements easily

Complete your requirement planning according to official estimation frameworks or the N-min method within VineForecast and keep track of how much fertilizer is still allowed.

Complete fertilization documentation

Document fertilization in just a few clicks and save yourself time-consuming paperwork.

PDF export for your records

Export the complete fertilization record at the end of the season, including nutrient balance and fertilization measures.